Post by Homer SimpsonPost by Half-MadPost by DailyCow1Oom oom oom, oom oom. Oom?
The proper reply to Moo is Omm, you silly bint.
Unless you're a gay cow, in which case the reply is MEW! MEW!
I understand that there is a fair amount of gay male activity in the
animal kingdom. Usually from the "top" not really caring where they get
off, and the "bottom" not wanting to offend the alpha male, I suppose.
What I want to see is some pictures of lesbian cows going at it.
Pity the images that are so frequently posted in this newsgroup are
trimmed off by my ISP, so I wouldn't get to see them even if such
pictures were posted here. There is a website I can go to to get the
pictures, but I usually don't.